PGN Property

Special Power of Attorney

What Information Must Be Included in a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for Property Dealings?

Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for property dealings is a legal document that authorizes another individual (referred to as the attorney-in-fact or agent) to act on your behalf for specific property-related matters. This document is crucial for ensuring smooth property transactions, especially when the principal cannot be physically present. Below is a comprehensive guide to the essential information and procedures required for drafting and executing a SPA for property dealings.

1. Title and Declaration

  • The document must clearly state “Special Power of Attorney” to distinguish it from a General Power of Attorney.
  • Include a declaration identifying the principal (the person granting authority) and explicitly state their intent to authorize the agent for specific property-related transactions.

2. Details of the Principal

Provide the following details about the principal:

  • Full Name
  • Current and Permanent Address
  • Contact Details (phone number and email)
  • Valid Identification Details (such as Aadhaar, PAN, Passport, or OCI Number)

3. Details of the Agent (Attorney-in-Fact)

Include the following details about the authorized individual:

  • Full Name
  • Current and Permanent Address
  • Contact Details
  • Valid Identification Details (such as Aadhaar, PAN, or Passport Number)

4. Specific Property Details

The SPA must include detailed information about the property involved, such as:

  • Property Type (residential, commercial, agricultural, etc.)
  • Full Address (e.g., Flat Number, Apartment Name, Village Name, Hobli, Taluk, and District)
  • Measurement (e.g., Carpet Area, Built-Up Area, Super Built-Up Area, and Undivided Land Share)
  • Survey Number, Conversion Order Number, and eKhata Number (if applicable)
  • Boundaries (East, West, North, and South)
  • Ownership Details, including registration number, book number, year of registration, and date of registration.

This ensures there is no ambiguity about which property the SPA pertains to.

5. Scope of Authority

  • Clearly define the specific actions the agent is authorized to perform. For example, “Presenting the Sale Deed for registration at the sub-registrar’s office.”
  • Clearly outlining the agent’s scope of authority helps prevent misuse or overreach.

6. Restrictions or Limitations

  • Specify any limitations on the agent’s authority, such as prohibiting them from selling the property, transferring ownership, or collecting payments from the buyer.

7. Duration and Validity

  • An SPA typically remains valid until the specified transaction is completed. However, you may choose to define a specific validity period.
    • Example: “The SPA is valid until the specified Sale Deed Registration is completed.”

8. Procedure for Execution

If the SPA is Executed in India:

  1. Draft the SPA and print it on document paper.
  2. Signatures: Both the principal and the agent must sign the SPA on all pages.
  3. Witnesses: The SPA should be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses, whose details (name, address, and signature) must be recorded.
  4. Registration: For property-related transactions, registration at the nearest sub-registrar office is mandatory.

If the SPA is Executed Abroad (for NRIs):

  1. Draft the SPA and print it on bond paper.
  2. Signature: The principal signs the SPA on all pages.
  3. Witnesses: The SPA should be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses, whose details (name, address, and signature) must be recorded.
  4. Notarization: Notarize the SPA by a notary public in the country of residence.
  5. Attestation: Attest the SPA by the Indian Embassy or Consulate in the country of residence.
  6. Send the Attested SPA and signed Sale Deed to India.
  7. Adjudicate the SPA in the District Registrar’s office in the jurisdiction where the property is located.

9. Case Study: NRI SPA Execution

•   Our recent transaction involved an NRI from North Carolina, USA, who executed a SPA to authorize his father-in-law to complete a property sale in Bangalore.

•  The SPA was notarized in North Carolina and adjudicated the Stamp Duty in the District Registrar’s office in Bangalore. Refer to the below SPA

The principal sent the signed Sale Deed from the NC, USA to India, and the father-in-law presented it at the sub-registrar office in Bangalore for registration. Refer to the below registered Sale Deed

10. Revocation Clause

  • The revocation of an SPA must be communicated in writing and registered with the appropriate registrar’s office.
  • If the SPA needs to be revoked before the specified task, follow the procedure below.

Procedure for Revocation of SPA

If the Revocation SPA is Executed in India:

  1. Draft the Revocation SPA and print it on document paper.
  2. Signatures: Both the principal and the agent must sign the revocation SPA on all pages.
  3. Witnesses: The revocation SPA should be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses, whose details (name, address, and signature) must be recorded.
  4. Registration: Register the Revocation SPA at the nearest sub-registrar’s office.

If the Revocation SPA is Executed Abroad (for NRIs):

  1. Draft the Revocation SPA and print it on bond paper.
  2. Signature: The principal signs the revocation SPA on all pages.
  3. Witnesses: The revocation SPA should be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses, whose details (name, address, and signature) must be recorded.
  4. Notarization: Notarize the revocation SPA by a notary public in the country of residence.
  5. Attestation: Attest the revocation SPA by the Indian Embassy or Consulate in the country of residence.
  6. Send the Attested Revocation SPA to India.
  7. Adjudicate the Revocation SPA in the District Registrar’s office in the jurisdiction where the property is located.
  8. If the agent does not cooperate with the revocation, the SPA can still be registered or adjudicated without their presence at the sub-registrar or District Registrar’s office.


By following the above guidelines, you can ensure that your Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for property transactions is valid, clearly defined, and enforceable. Whether you are in India or abroad, understanding the process and including all necessary details will help you avoid complications and ensure a smooth property transaction.

If you need professional assistance with drafting, notarizing, or registering an SPA, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help!

Contact Us:

Phone/WhatsApp: +91-9742479020


Special Power of Attorney

How do I register a special power of attorney (SPOA) on Kaveri online services?

Special Power of Attorney (SPOA) is a Legal document that authorizes one person, called an agent or an attorney, to act on behalf of another person, know as the Executant or principal, under the SPOA, outlines the scope of authority given to an agent

Context: The Builder has not mentioned the undivided land share in sale deed executed in 2019–20. To incorporate the undivided land share, builder gave the date next month to register the rectification deed. Son and daughter-in-law are the joint owners of the property, since they will travel abroad due to work commitments. Son and daughter-in-law gave SPOA to father to register rectification deed on behalf

(We thought of giving General Power of attorney but the sister-in-law comes under non-blood relative category so we preferred special power of attorney to bring down the Stamp Duty

Under GPA, the Stamp Duty is 5% of the property value

Under SPOA, the Stamp Duty is Rs. 100 (edit on 10th Nov 2024: the stamp duty is Rs. 1000 per executant)

We followed the below steps to register a special power of attorney through Kaveri Online Services

Step 1: Prepare the Special Power of Attorney draft in Word file and convert it to PDF format

Step 2: Log in to Kaveri Online Services

On the home page, Click on Start a New Application. Refer to the arrow mark in below image

Click on DOCUMENT REGISTRATION, refer to below image

In Prerequisite for Document Registration, click on Continue, refer to below image

In Select Article and Sub Article, choose the following options from dropdown list

  • NATURE OF DOCUMENT: Special Power of Attorney (Authentication/Attestation) (Article XXXI of Table of Fees)
  • ARTICLE: Power of Attorney
  • SUB ARTICLE: (41-eb-i) When given to father, mother, wife, husband, sons, daughters

Refer to be filled image

Click on Continue. Refer to below image

In What is the type of Document? : Select the only available option MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT

In Description, type the property schedule. Refer to below image

Click on Save and Continue, refer to below image

According to my Input, below is the Description, refer to below image

Click on Save & Continue, refer to below image

As per our context, 3 executants are son, daughter-in-law and father

We selected 3 in Number of Executant, refer to below image

Executant -1, entered the details of Son (Mr. Ananth). The details include name, address, contact number and ID proof. Refer to below filled image

  • Is Claimant: No
  • Individual Or Organization: Individual

Click on Save Executant -1 And Go To Next, refer to below image

Executant – 2, entered the details of Daughter-in-law (Mrs. Pooja). The details include name, address, contact number and ID proof. Refer to below filled image

  • Is Claimant: No
  • Individual Or Organization: Individual

Click on Save Executant -2 And Go To Next, refer to below image

In Executant – 3, entered the details of Father (Mr.Rajendran). The details include name, address, contact number and ID proof. Refer to below filled image

  • Is Claimant: Yes
  • Individual Or Organization: Individual

Click on Save Executant -3, refer to below image

Click on Move to PRESENTER, refer to below image

Choose the presenter (the person who going to present the documents in sub-registrar office), we chose Son (Mr.Ananth) as presenter. Refer to below image

Click on Make Presenter, Refer to below image

IDENTIFIER means witnesses. We need to provide the details of at least two witnesses. The details include name, age, gender and address

Below is the details of IDENTIFIER-1

The IDENTIFIER -1 is witnessing to Son and daughter-in-law (Mr.Ananth and Mrs. Pooja) so in IDENTIFIES we selected Mr.Ananth and Mrs. Pooja. Refer to arrow mark in below image

Click on Save IDENTIFIER -1 And Go To Next. Refer to below image

Below is the details of IDENTIFIER-2

The IDENTIFIER -2 is witnessing to Father (Mr.Rajendran) so in IDENTIFIES we selected Mr.Rajendran. Refer to arrow mark in below image

Click on Save and Continue. Refer to below image

The Special Power of Attorney doesn’t have consideration value, so market value calculation is not required. Click on Continue to move next step. Refer to below image

In Final fee calculation, Click on Save and Continue. Refer to below image

Special Power of attorney draft consists of 3 pages so entered 3 in Number of pages. Refer to arrow mark in below image

Click on Calculate. Refer to below image

My total fee is Rs. 510. Below is the cost breakup

(Edit on 10th Nov 2024: The updated stamp duty is Rs. 1000 per executant)

Click on Save and Continue

The page directs to summary report, the report consists of 7–8 pages, Shared only the 1st page below for your reference

At the bottom of page,

  • Upload Deed Document; Upload the Special Power of Attorney draft in PDF, file size less than 5MB
  • Upload Annexures: We merged Son, Daughter-in-law and father’s aadhaar in one PDF and uploaded here
  • Select Sub-Registrar Office: We can register the Special Power of Attorney in any sub-registrar office in Karnataka, irrespective of property jurisdiction. We decided to Register in Rajajinagar Sub-Registrar office so we selected Rajajinagar in dropdown list.
  • Date Of Execution: We printed and signed the SPOA today, we Selected the Current date. Refer to below image

Check the Declaration and click on Agee and Submit. Refer to arrow marks in below image

Immediately after submitting application, the status shows Pending at SRO. Refer to below image

On the same day of submitting the application, my application was approved. The status changed to Make Payment. We highlighted in below image

Made the payment and below is the payment challan

Immediately after the payment, the status changed to Schedule. Refer to below image

We got the Schedule next day morning at 10 am. Below is our appointment confirmation

Step 3: Take the Printout of Special Power of Attorney draft in document or bond paper. All the executnats and two witness signs the SPOA

Step 4: As per the schedule, Son, Daughter-in-law, father and two witnesses visited the Rajajinagar sub-registrar office

The presented Mr. Ananth Presented the summary report of application, printed SPOA and aadhaar of executants in the registration counter

All three executants and two witnesses gave the thumb impression and webcam photo

The officer scanned the SPOA and handed back the SPOA to presenter Mr. Ananth

Below is the Registered SPOA:

This completes the procedure to register Special Power of Attorney

We provide assistance to register Special Power of Attorney. To opt for our service please write to us or WhatsApp to + 9 1 – 97424 79020.

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