PGN Property


Is Registered POA valid across India? can I register POA in Bangalore for property registration in Delhi

Registered Power of Attorney (POA) is valid across India

If you are in Bangalore, you can register a POA at a sub-registrar office in Bangalore and courier the POA to your POA representative in Delhi for the registration of property in Delhi

To register a POA In Bangalore, The individual granting the POA and two witnesses must sign the POA, and be physically present at the sub-registrar office for a thumb impression & webcam photo.

You are not required to travel to Delhi. Either way, Your POA representative in Delhi is not required to travel to Bangalore to register a POA.

When we execute a POA for property registration in other states, the POA must consist of the following information:

  • Date and place of POA execution
  • Executant & Attorney details such as name, age, address, and identification proof number
  • Purpose of POA
  • Property Schedule

In a separate blog, we wrote the detailed procedure to register a Power of Attorney in Bangalore, linking the blog for your reference

For assistance in registering Power of Attorney, please write to us or Whatsapp at +91 97424-79020

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