PGN Property


How to download Gram Panchayat house tax receipt online in Karnataka?

Follow the below steps to download Gram Panchayat property tax receipt

Step 1: Open the Bapuji Seva Kendra website, here is the link

The home page looks like the below image

Click on the login, refer to the circle in the below image

Enter the mobile number and OTP. refer to the below image


Step 2: After login, under the Quick Links, click on the Payment History, refer to the below image


Step 3: Click on the Payment Receipt to download, refer to below image


Below is the image of downloaded receipt


  • If you haven’t registered on Bapuji Seva Kendra, just do it now, it takes a minute to register and only your name, address and mobile number are required to register
  • You can download the property tax receipt, only if you paid the property tax through your registered Bapuji Seva Kendra account
  • We don’t have option to download the property tax receipt if property tax is paid offline in panchayat office, you have to contact the respective panchayat office to get the receipt
  • Your property tax payments are stored in your payment history, you can visit back anytime and download the receipt as and when requires

Downloaded property tax receipt is in PDF format which is legible to view and share electronically, hence don’t take printouts unless really require, Save paper cost and Environment.

Thank you for reading…